2013 Project OpportunitySM Graduation, Southern Maryland – Spring
SOUTHERN MARYLAND SPRING 2013 CLASS – Consulting, Training, and Development Services partnered with the Southern Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulations Veterans Employment Representative, the Southern Maryland Small Business Development and Technology Center, the College of Southern Maryland and TEDCO to provide Project OpportunitySM to veterans in the Southern Maryland Region. We hired Gail Schneel, (Project OpportunitySM Class of 2011 Graduate) as an instructor. She has been certified to teach the NxLevel curriculum and co-taught the first session to complete her train the trainer training. The Orientation Session was conducted on March 130, 2013 with eleven veterans in attendance. Nine of the veterans at the Orientation Session indicated a desire to move forward to the next screening process, the telephonic assessment. Three additional veterans have contacted me after the Orientation Session and they will also move forward to the telephonic screening assessment. After the completion of the telephonic screening assessments a total of 10 veterans were accepted into the program. Here is a summary of their business ventures:
- Supper Club
- Sell shoes via E-Commerce
- Group Home for teenagers
- Transportation/Shopping service for senior citizens
- Unisex Body Fitness Center
- Job Readiness Counseling Center
- Information Network Program Security
- Transitional Job Placement for Veterans
- Real Estate Investment (Trailer Park)
- Medical Billing Service
Classes started on April 10, 2013 at the College of Southern Maryland in LaPlata. The Southern Maryland SBTDC worked with us on this project by coordinating the scheduling of subject matter experts and guest speakers.
The Graduation Ceremony was held on June 26th at the College of Southern Maryland Campus. A total of nine (9) veterans completed the course and graduated from this initial class in the Southern Maryland area.