Michael I. Kaplan author of “The Prior-Service Entrepreneur” conducted an interview with Project OpportunitySM Founder, Joe Giordano. The interview and article are used with permission and re-printed below.

Please feel free to connect with Michael I. Kaplan:

Phone: (912) 777-7500
Email: [email protected]


The success of “Project Opportunity” is an excellent model for veteran programs everywhere.

The economic and employment outlook for the next 24 months looks rather uninspiring. Real unemployment is in the double-digits, the new jobs being created are less than appealing, and veterans entering the civilian labor market are going to find it increasingly difficult to compete for positions despite their extraordinary value.

Do you want to ignore that reality, complain about it or do something to address the issue that actually makes a difference? If you’re like Joe Giordano, Director of Project OpportunitySM, failure is not an option and actions always speak louder than words.

Joe developed Project OpportunitySM, a free entrepreneurship training program for veterans who wish to start a small business or expand their current small business as an alternative to traditional employment and in response to the high unemployment rate among the veteran population. Project OpportunitySM started on the Eastern Shore of Maryland of 2010 and has continued as an annual training program. Over the past few years it has expanded to Annapolis, Columbia, Glen Burnie, and Southern Maryland.

I had the pleasure of connecting with Joe in a professional capacity and becoming familiar with his work with aspiring veteran entrepreneurs. I was truly impressed with the programs’ mission, its successful outcomes and the ease of which the program can be replicated on state and national levels.

Those who know me understand that when I get excited about a program that’s helping veterans to succeed and prosper, I have to share that with the world. I had the opportunity to sit down with Joe Giordano recently and ask him a few questions about his program. His thoughtful answers should serve as a model for veteran entrepreneurship programs in every state in America.

Michael: What inspired you to develop Project OpportunitySM, and what do you hope to accomplish in the next 24 months?

Joe: Project OpportunitySM was developed to offer veterans an alternative to traditional employment and to assist in the high unemployment rate among veterans in 2010. Over the next 24 months I hope to be able to expand the program to other areas of Maryland, we currently have 115 veterans on the waiting list for future classes. I also am working on developing a stronger mentorship program for those who have completed the course.

Michael: At a time when the majority of Veteran Service Organizations are focused on getting veterans hired into conventional jobs, why did Project OpportunitySM choose to focus on entrepreneurial small business?

Joe: It just made sense. Veterans are excellent candidates for entrepreneurship because they already possess the four most important traits of successful small business owners: Self Discipline, Motivation, Problem Solving Skills, and the Ability to Multitask.

Michael: How long is the training program and what can veterans expect to take away from the course?

Joe: The course is 30 hours of classroom (3 hours a week for 10 weeks) utilizing the NxLevel Business Plan Basic curriculum. Each week there is approximately 20 hours of outside work (reading assignments, homework assignments, and research for business plan material). Each veteran should walk away with the knowledge and resources necessary to complete their business plan and be able to move forward to the next step in their business venture.

Michael: Once a veteran has completed the Project OpportunitySM training program, what type of support network do they have to give them the best chance for success?

Joe: The primary support network is for the veterans to maintain contact with myself and their course instructor. Additionally, resources introduced during the course such as SBTDC, SCORE, local bankers and marketing experts, and micro lending agencies and organizations serve as excellent support as they move forward with the business venture.

Michael: How many veterans are currently taking advantage of project opportunity, and what’s the graduation rate for those who choose to attend?

Joe: There have been a total of eleven classes with 114 veterans accepted and 96 who have completed the course, giving us a graduation rate of 84%. Reasons for not completing the course include relocation, medical issues, realization that the business concept not feasible, and not being able to commit time to course due to work conflicts.

Michael: In addition to the Maryland Center for Entrepreneurship and the Walmart Foundation, what other supporters does Project OpportunitySM partner with to be able to offer this free program to veteran entrepreneurs?

Joe: We partner with the Annapolis Economic Development Corporation, the Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation, the Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation, the Tri County Council of Southern Maryland, the Lower Shore Workforce Alliance, TEDCO, Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs, SCORE, SBA Baltimore District Office, local Maryland Department of Labor and Regulation Veterans Employment Representatives, local VA Vocational Rehabilitation Office, and the Small Business Technology and Development Center Offices.

Michael: In addition to business professionals from the private sector who serve as lecturers and mentors, how else does the community support your vision, mission and goals?

Joe: We have formed partnerships with regional government economic development agencies which have been an outstanding source of support, from offering classrooms for our courses to working with program graduates to assist them in launching their business ventures. Any time we approach an individual from the private sector or a public sector agency for assistance the response is always enthusiastic and a commitment is made almost immediately to provide the subject matter expertise and technical assistance necessary to be able to offer the veteran participants the best entrepreneurial education possible.

America’s veteran wage earners – a noble and good-hearted group of well-meaning individuals – are worried about claiming their “piece of the pie.” They work hard for it and they’re taking every step possible to protect it. That’s totally understandable. Good jobs are hard to come by in today’s economy and even harder to keep.

While they’re busy doing that, however, veteran entrepreneurs graduating from the Project OpportunitySM training program in Maryland are making more pies. We need more veterans with entrepreneurial mindsets to get involved who understand we don’t need to fiercely protect smaller pieces of an increasingly shrinking pie.

We need more pies, and only entrepreneurs can make that happen.

Most of us know that our military veterans are uniquely suited to that task. I encourage everyone to connect with Joe Giordano and learn more about Project OpportunitySM and the entrepreneurial spirit that is allowing our veterans in Maryland to become so successful.

Click here for a copy of the original press release.

Joe Giordano, with Project OpportunitySM was recently recognized and awarded the 2014 Maryland Small Business Week Award in the “Veteran Small Business Champion of the Year”. Congratulations Joe, and all of the other winners below.

BALTIMORE—The winners of the 2014 Maryland Small Business Week Awards Program were announced today by Stephen D. Umberger, District Director of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Baltimore District Office. Winners will be honored at the 30th Annual Maryland Small Business Week Awards Luncheon Thursday, May 15th at Martin’s West in Woodlawn, Md.

This year’s winners are:

  • Accountant Advocate of the Year: Donald Cunningham, Donald Cunningham, CPA LLC, Millersville
  • Attorney Advocate of the Year: Chad Malkus, Esq., Michael Hodes, LLC, Cambridge
  • District Director’s Unsung Hero Award: Rich Loeffler, Maryland Small Business & Technology Development Center, Wye Mills
  • Entrepreneurial Success of the Year: Danny Farrar & David Posin, Soldierfit, Frederick
  • Family Owned Small Business of the Year: Kim Lawson, Fishpaws Marketplace, Arnold
  • Financial Services Champion of the Year: Steve Primosch, Anne Arundel Economic Development Corp., Annapolis
  • Home-Based Business Champion of the Year: Barbara Zimmer, B. Zimmer & Co., Pasadena
  • Insurance Advocate: Nancy Ann Nicklow, W. Ray Huff Insurance, Pasadena
  • Maryland Small Business Person of the Year: Stephanie Novak Hau, Chesapeake Environmental Management, Bel Air
  • Minority Small Business Champion of the Year: Charles Ramos, CR Dynamics, Baltimore
  • Small Business Exporter of the Year: John Doran, Centreville Trailers, Centreville
  • Veteran Small Business Champion of the Year: Joe Giordano, Project OpportunitySM, Salisbury
  • Women in Business Champion of the Year: Shabri Moore, Moore Wealth, Inc., Frederick
  • Young Entrepreneur of the Year: Matt Wyble, Champion Realty, Severna Park

Each year the President of the United States declares national small business week in celebration of the contributions of the small business community to the nation’s economy. The SBA holds the annual awards competition to recognize outstanding small business owners and their advocates. National Small Business Week activities will be held May 12-16, 2014 at various locations across the country.

For more information contact Rachel Howard at (443) 848-7025 or at [email protected]. For information on the 2014 Maryland Small Business Week Awards Luncheon or for tickets, visit the event website at www.mdsbwawards.org.

Glen Burnie, MD (March 19, 2014) – The Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation (AAWDC) today announced that eight veterans have successfully completed the Project OpportunitySM training program and graduated in a ceremony at the Youth Employment Center in Glen Burnie on Tuesday, March 18. The graduates are: Howard Biddle, Janeen Birkhead, Patricia Buckley, Greg Coster, Chuck Davis, Regina Gillens, Jason Harris and Emma McClain.

An AAWDC-funded, 10-week veteran’s training program, Project OpportunitySM supports entrepreneurship through education, mentorship, loan opportunities and business development and planning.

“I founded Project OpportunitySM in the fall of 2010 and have since trained 100 veterans and graduated 81 in the state of Maryland,” explained Joe Giordano, founder of Project Opportunity. “This is the first time we have done training in collaboration with AAWDC and the results are excellent.”

“Not only are we giving veterans the knowledge and tools to create wealth by starting their own businesses, this program also has a positive effect on Anne Arundel County’s economy and creates employment opportunities for our residents,” said Kirkland Murray, CEO and President of AAWDC.

“I had the good fortune of working with Joe and Project OpportunitySM previously in Howard County, so I know firsthand the value of this program,” said County Executive Laura Neuman. “Congratulations to all of our graduates. I know that they are well-prepared to enter into this new phase of their careers and I hope they will pursue their dreams right here in Anne Arundel County.”

One of the graduates, Chuck Davis, has already started his window-cleaning business, Kiss My Glass of USA (http://kissmyglassofusa.com/). “This program, although rigorous, set me on a path for success,” explained Mr. Davis. “With the tools I learned, I can now develop and refine my business plan and prepare for anticipated growth in the future.”

The guest speaker was Anne Arundel Economic Development’s President/CEO Ed Rothstein and the sponsors were Mission BBQ and Alan I. Elkin, CEO of Advance.

To view pictures of the event, please visit AAWDC’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AnneArundelWorkforceDevelopment?ref=hl#!/media/set/?set=a.276760182484293.1073741827.138670862959893&type=1

Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation (AAWDC) is a 501(c) (3) Corporation charged with providing workforce and training services to Anne Arundel County citizens and businesses. AAWDC operates seven One-Stop Career Centers that offer innovative workforce solutions to businesses and job seekers. Business services include customized recruitment assistance, job postings, business retention, training funds for incumbent workers, and workforce transportation solutions. Job seeker services include job search assistance, career guidance, career development and computer skills workshops, access to our resource center, training assistance, and supportive service referrals. Please visit http://www.aawdc.org/ for more information.

Media Contact: 

Theresa Downs
[email protected]